Created in 2011, CBS Enterprises LLC was the brainchild of Byron Suggs, a published author, consulting editor, and all around good guy, who decided to put all of his creative efforts under one brand. For the first few years, Byron did editorial consulting under the auspice of CBS Enterprises LLC.
In 2012, he contracted his first novel, "Rockapocalypse", with a small publishing house in Colorado. While doing final edits on "Rock" for publication, he wrote his second novel, a mystery/thriller titled "Cold Currents." That novel garnered seven offers from seven agencies, and from July 2012 until July 2014, Byron was represented by the D4EO Literary Agency. With the market tight and almost non-existent for emerging authors in the thriller genre, Byron parted ways with D4EO, but signed two months later with The Donaghy Literary Group for a three-book deal of which "Currents" was the series opening. Although they loved the book, struggling to find fresh acquisition editors was a challenge for the agency, so in the Fall of 2015, Byron parted ways with The Donaghy Literary Group and formed Fall Line Publishing under the CBS Enterprise Brand. In 2015, Byron retained all right to "Rockapocalypse" and republished it in ebook format under Fall Line Publishing. In the Spring of 2016, Fall Line Publishing released "Cold Currents" in print and ebook formats on Amazom. You can find out more about Byron the author by visiting his website.
Now, gathering his experience both in the literary and publishing arenas, Byron offers editorial services for emerging and established authors under the latest CBS Enterprises LLC division, CBS Editorial. Future plans include a possible merger of FLP and CBS Editorial to further assist emerging authors as a boutique publisher.